
Thursday 28 April 2016

Responce to: Celebrities Behaving Badly

When it comes to celebrities and pop idols, I'm ignorant; but I'm going to do this post regardless. Hey hey hey! I'm back to talk to you guys about celebrities and how they can really be illogical sometimes. It's just mind boggling how much power can change someone, and how we react to that.


To start off, let's talk about psychology. Humans tend to like what they first try, and that means that they would stay with what ever that is for a long time. Also, if the person or source of the thing you like continues to bring out more, it would be very likely that you would have some interest in what they are doing. A example that pertains to me would be the various video game series I buy and or watch. Series like Super Smash Bros, Etrian Odyssey, Fire Emblem, and Persona, I enjoy and get the next game. We enjoy the things we love, and it creates a bias over a period of time that gives us the belief that even if the thing that comes out is bad, one would believe that it's either good, or the next one will be better. A good example of this is for the video game series, Mario Party. The last two instalments in the series heavily changed the formula of the game, while games 4 through 8 being more child friendly and simpler than the first three. Regardless, the games still sell with many fans of the first three games still hoping for a return to the game's competitive roots. The same is with celebrities. We enjoy them when they start out, innocent and with potential. As time goes on however, some celebrities get in their head that they are superior and begin making bad decisions. We as the consumers see this, and believe that things will get better when at times, it doesn't. The remaining faithful fans are still seeing their idol as they were before and not as they are now. It could also be that their products or entertainment could still be good and that their actions aren't affecting their talent at what they do. It's a possibility, unlikely as it is...


Onto the next question, should celebrities be excused for their actions because of their stature. NO! Of course not! Why should laws meant for everyone not apply to celebrities? Laws are meant for our own good  and letting celebrities do as they please would destroy our society and create the worst role-models for the people. Celebrities are just normal people who work in an industry that makes them known by the public. Positively or negatively, they are human and should act as equals to the rest of us. That means that they should be punished should they commit a crime. The type of punishment celebrities should receive should be the same as us as we are all human. If it wasn't, I would then hope that it would be worse than the standard consequence since they are looked up to by many. By making their punishment the standard or harsher, the public will understand that the laws are there for a reason and that celebrities aren't above the law. Being a celebrity is a job; not a privilege.


That's all I have to say. As for some questions, what celebrities do you enjoy and how are they changing over time? Have you stopped liking a celebrity because of something they've done? And last but not least, what are you favourite video game series? Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of your day!

Saturday 23 April 2016

Response to: Safe Schools?

Hey-llo! Welcome to Natsirt's Blog and please, explore the blog to your heart's content! You might find something cool... Well, schools are safe places. They are places of learning and it is a priority for those in pursuit of knowledge to feel safe. Regardless, prejudice is a real thing and it can happen anywhere. We are all human; we are all imperfect.


Nowadays, our society attempts to make a difference and increase awareness of the many types of prejudices as well as reduce it. Unfortunately, society can reduce prejudice acts, but not eliminate them. That's why we as a community continue to work hard so that the fewest number of people can suffer from it. There are lots of ways to make our community safe. The easiest way to keep conflict to a minimum is to not start any in the first place. Sure, we can definitely help others when they are in need, but when there is no conflict, why would we instigate conflict?


Now, the next step would be that the conflict has been created, and must be resolved as quickly as possible. Depending on the situation, the actions to resolve the conflict can vary, but the most important thing in my opinion is that the victim must not cause reason to be prejudiced and must get some help; some real help from those trust worthy and can actually do something. It's alright to go as far as telling the teachers or even the police. If it is something that is truly small and won't be brought up again, just let the insult go and don't make the situation bigger.


We are lucky at Mary Ward, for we have many methods of bullying prevention. Firstly, because of the way our school works, all grades are in constant contact and communication with each other. It isn't grade 9s, 10s, 11s, 12s, and faculty; rather, a whole that is Mary Ward. In addition, like most high schools, we have guidance councilors that we can consult and talk with. They are excellent people to talk to as they are happy and willing to do just that. That is one of their primary tasks after all. And finally, Mary Ward has an abundance of clubs and sports. Each and every extracurricular activity our school has is all inclusive and there will be something for everyone. We even have clubs such as the GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) and OKOF (Our Kids Our Future) who work towards everyone's rights and equality.


We have all these outlets for a great community, but there are some things we can do to improve. One thing I think we can do is to arrange more public projects similar to the grade 9 street patrol field trip and the grade 10 religion retreat. It allows the students to learn and bond together through tasks that will help the community. While it may need more funding, projects and trips like these can benefit everyone and could even be linked to our studies and be quest unit options.


And that's it! I believe that why are a safe community where everyone is equal. We have many ways to deal with conflict, and we are well aware of the seriousness of prejudice and that we can do something more to help. What you about you readers? Do you think our community is safe, or do you think we still have a ways to go to make things better? What ideas can you guys brainstorm to make our society more welcoming and peaceful. With that, thank you for reading and I wish you a good morning, day or night, wherever you are. Bye guys!